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How many letters are in the Binance WODL?

To make things more difficult the word can range anywhere from 3 to 8 letters and is based on a specific subject that week. The Binance WODL focuses on a different subject each week, this week being Crypto is Better. If you are looking for the answers for today’s Binance WODL you will find them below.

How do I play Binance crypto word of the day?

The answer is: To play the Binance Crypto Word of the Day game, open the Binance app on your mobile phone and tap the "More" menu option. Then, go to the "Gift and Campaign" submenu and tap "WOTD" to begin the puzzle and guess the Binance Word of the Day. Alternatively, you could go directly to the web version.

What is Binance WODL?

Thousands of people around the world are playing this game with the hope of winning some of the prizes. Binance WODL is similar to the popular word game, Wordle, in the way you are required to guess a word that appears. To make things more difficult the word can range anywhere from 3 to 8 letters and is based on a specific subject that week.

Is Binance a profitable cryptocurrency Dictionary?

Knowing the words of the cryptocurrency dictionary had never been so profitable: from last August 15 to a finalization date that hasn't been disclosed yet, Binance users have the opportunity to participate in prizes of up to 10,000 Binance USD (BUSD) voucher tokens simply by guessing crypto words from around the world ( world) of cryptocurrencies.

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